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Distracted driving: Medline Plus Medical Encyclopedia

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Driving distracted

It is doing any activity that takes your attention away from the task of driving. This includes using a cell phone to make calls or send text messages while driving. Distracted driving makes you more likely to suffer an accident. Consequently, many states have enacted laws to help stop this practice. You can avoid getting distracted while driving by learning how to stay safe with a cell phone in the car.

Distracted driving: Medline Plus Medical Encyclopedia

Examples of distracted driving

To drive safely, the National Safety Council indicates that you should always have:

The look on the road

Hands-on the wheel

The mind focused on driving

You drive distracted when something gets in the way of doing those 3 things. Examples include:

Talk on the cell phone

Read or send text messages

Eat or drink

Fix (comb, shave or makeup)

Set a radio or other device that plays music

Use a navigation system

Read (even maps)

The dangers of talking on the phone at the wheel

You are 4 times more likely to have a car accident if you are talking on the phone. That is the same risk you have when driving drunk. Searching for the phone, dialing and speaking away their attention from the act of driving. Even phones that have a hands-free system are insecure. When drivers use these phones, they don't see or hear things that could help them avoid a crash. This includes stop signs, red traffic lights, and pedestrians. Approximately 25% of all car accidents have to do with the use of a cell phone, even if they have a hands-free system. you can get a car service here Stansted Airport Minicabs Service

Talking with other people in the car is less dangerous than talking on the phone. A passenger can see a traffic problem approaching and stop talking. They also provide another pair of eyes to detect and signal traffic hazards.

Texting behind the wheel: even more dangerous

Sending and receiving text messages while driving is even more dangerous than talking on the phone. Writing on the phone occupies more of your attention than other distractions. Not even telling the phone to send a text message (with voice commands) is safe. When you send and receive text messages, your eyes move away from the road on average 5 seconds. At 55 mph (88 km / h), the car travels half of an American football field in 5 seconds. Many things can happen in that short period of time.

Who is at risk

Distracted driving is a problem that occurs in people of all ages. However, teenagers and young adults have the highest risk. Most teenagers and young adults say they have written, sent or read text messages while driving. Younger and inexperienced drivers have the most fatal accidents caused by distracted driving. If you are a parent, teach your child about the dangers of talking or using text messages at the wheel.

How to stop distracted driving

Use these tips to get away from distractions while driving: DO NOT do many things at once. Before starting your car, finish eating, drinking and getting ready. Program your audio and navigation systems before you start driving. When you sit in the driver's seat, turn off your phone and place it out of reach. If you get caught using a phone behind the wheel, you risk being fined. Most states have banned the use of text messages at the wheel. Some have also banned the use of mobile phones while driving. Learn about your state's laws at

Download an application that locks the phone. These applications work by blocking features such as text messages and calls while the car moves beyond a certain speed limit. Most are controlled remotely through a website and charge a monthly or annual fee. You can also buy systems that are connected to the car's computer or placed on the windshield to limit the use of the phone while the car is in motion.

Commit to not using the cell phone while driving. Sign the promise of the National Highway Safety Administration at It also includes a promise to raise your voice if the driver of your car is distracted and encourage family and friends to drive without phones.